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Every use of the Evoled.dk website is subject to its general terms.
By using this site, “www.Evoled.dk”, you signify your agreement to the following terms of use. If you do not agree to these terms of use, please do not use this site.

Evoled.dk reserves the right to update or revise these terms at any time. You should check the terms periodically for changes. You can review the most current version of the terms at the start page.

Limitation of liability

Due to rapidly changing product specifications, Evoled.dk are unable to guarantee that all the data on its website is correct and up to date. Evoled.dk makes no commitment to keep the information updated at any time.

Your use of the service of Evoled.dk is at your sole risk. Evoled.dk makes no warranty, whether explicit or implied, relating to the proper functioning of this site, the information, the contents, the materials or the products, which are presented on this site.

Evoled.dk makes no warranty in relation to accuracy, completeness or suitability of the information for any use whatsoever, nor in relation to the permanent availability of the site. The use of the site could be temporarily interrupted or suspended. This site is provided by Evoled.dk on an “As is” and “As available” basis.

Failure, interruptions or mistakes in the electronic supply of the service do not entitle the user to any financial compensation.

Evoled.dk assumes no responsibility and shall accept no liability for damage and viruses that may effect your computer equipment arising out of your use of or access to this service.

Evoled.dk commits itself to act with the greatest possible care, in order to prevent that this site would be affected by viruses or other damaging elements, of which nature whatsoever.


Use of ‘cookies’

Evoled.dk can make use of ‘cookies’, little parts containing information, which are being stored on the hard disk of the user, in order to simplify the use of this site. For instance, ‘cookies’ can be used to fix a choice of language. The use of ‘cookies’ is commonly accepted by users. If you should prefer not to accept ‘cookies’, you can eliminate this by adapting the preferences of your browser. However, in that case Evoled.dk can not guarantee the proper functioning of this site.



This site can contain links to third party websites. Evoled.dk has no control over such sites or the information they contain. You cknowledge and agree that Evoled.dk is not responsible for the content or quality of these websites. A link does not necessarily mean that Evoled.dk cooperates or that Evoled.dk approves the information on these sites.


Intellectual property rights

You acknowledge explicitly that all content and materials available (texts, photos, graphics, layout, technology…) on this site are the property of Evoled.dk.

This website, as well as the content, logos, images and other items, and their selection and design are protected under copyright.

Any copy, modification, adjustment or every other method of use or exploitation of the entire or part of this site, under any way and no matter how, is strictly prohibited, except in the case of prior written consent of Evoled.dk.

Likewise, it is strictly prohibited to save this information electronically (except automatic or use it for unlawful purposes. Futhermore it is strictly forbidden to use any content, logo, image and other items for advertsing and/or commercial purposes by any means whatsovever.

The trademarks, logos and other marks that are being used on this site, are trademarks and/or trade names which are legally protected. The permission to use this website does not license you to use the marks or names appearing on this site. Any use of these or similar marks or names is strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of the rightful owner. Futhermore it is strictly forbidden to use any trademark, logos and other marks that appear on this site for advertising and/or commercial purposes by any means whatsovever.

Unlawful use of such data is subject to prosecution. In case of copyright or trademark infringement, Evoled.dk reserves the right to institute civil or criminal proceedings.


Privacy policy

Evoled.dk respects the privacy of every user of this website. In this policy Evoled.dk wants to indicate which information is collected and for what purposes it is used. This statement is part of the Evoled.dk

General Terms and Conditions. Any use of our website constitutes your agreement to this Privacy Policy and consent to the terms herein. We advise you to read it carefully. If you have any question regarding our Privacy Policy, don’t hesitate to contact us. Evoled.dk reserves the right to modify the terms of the current privacy policy at any time.

Evoled.dk collects personally identifiable information (e.g. name, adress, e-mail) you provide through the registration process. By registrating you indicate being interessed in the Evoled.dk products andbeing a (potential) customer of the Evoled.dk products.


All information which you transmit to us through the internet, will be treated as strictly confidential. This information will only be used by Evoled.dk and NEVER AND UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES made available to unauthorized persons outside Evoled.dk

This information is used only for:

  • performing general customer administration
  • sending of electronic newsletter to inform you about :
  • company activities
  • productinformation
  • interesting products for promotion purposes

If you do not want us to send you this information, you can inform us by written confirmation.

Your data is stored electronically by us in house untill you opt to delete your personally identifiable information. We recognize our responsability to protect the information you entrust to us. Once you have provided us with your personally identifiable information, you will have reasonable access to that information so you can change or delete it. You may do this by requesting a copy of your profile at the contact email address listed below. You have access to your profile through the newsletter. Any check, modification, deleting of your personal data can be done by yourself through the received newsletter. You will always have the option to unsubscribe to any online contact from Evoled.dk.

This data storage is subject to statutory regulations designed to protect your and our interests in accordance with the Danish Law for Data Protection.


Contacting us :

You may contact us if you would like to:

  • ask us any question regarding our privacy policy;
  • request a copy of your personal data, or change or delete your personal data;
  • opt-out from receiving any future personalized offers or information from Evoled.dk.

Our address :

Fladsaavej 15
DK-4700 Naestved
Tel : +45 51 92 24 18

E-mail: info@evoled.dk



This site is being controlled from the registered office of Evoled.dk

DK-4700, Fladsaavej 15, Naestved, Denmark

Therefore, these terms are governed by the laws of Denmark.

Any dispute, that arises from or is connected to the use of this site, is submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the judicial district of Denmark.

By using this site, the user submits himself to the jurisdiction of these courts, and he renounces his right to object to this jurisdiction or place of trial.”


Hvis falder over noget underligt skævt her på siderne skyldes det at vi er i gang med en større opdatering af siden. Luk